In n 1861 Oliver Wendell Holmes created and deliberately did not patent a handheld, streamlined, much more economical viewer than had been available before. The stereoscope, which dates from the 1850s, consisted of two prismatic lenses and a wooden stand to hold the stereo card. This type of stereoscope remained in production for a century and there are still companies making them in limited production currently. It was a 19th-century device used in parlors demonstrating all the modern progress of the time .This model is named " mexican glass " lunette mexicaine .
100 slide of late 19th peoples in diverse situations and landscape , some humorous , include a serie of 50 pictures of the 1900 universal exibit in Paris , some dading , the Universal exibit are transparent with some fading color , early coloring effect.
Wiewer H.10 x L.12 x W.17 in slides 7 x 3.5 in , good condition .
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